Boards use resolutions as defined in South Dakota Law 7-18A-1 to effect an action in response to a request or directive. Over the course of a year, the board of county commissioners can pass and enact as little as one or an unlimited number of resolutions to memorialize their decisions, requests, orders or feelings.
7-18A-1. Definition of terms. Terms used in this chapter, unless the context plainly requires otherwise, shall mean:
(1) “Board,” a board of county commissioners;
(2) “Ordinance,” a permanent legislative act of a board of county commissioners passed within the limits of its powers;
(3) “Publish,” publication in the official county newspapers;
(4) “Resolution,” any determination, decision, or direction of a board of county commissioners of a special or temporary character, made for the purpose of initiating, effecting, or carrying out its administrative duties and functions.
Source: SL 1975, ch 82, § 1.
7-18A-7. Passage of resolutions–Record of votes–Publication in minutes. A resolution may be passed after one reading. It shall be recorded at length in the minutes of the meeting at which it is passed, with a statement of the number of votes for and against the same. It shall be published in full as part of the minutes of the board.
Source: SL 1975, ch 82, § 9.
This page is devoted to the publication of those resolutions for the purpose of statutory compliance, transparency and as means to access them quickly by anyone with interest. Questions about content should be directed to the Hand County Auditor Doug DeBoer.
Resolutions in Hand County are numbered using the year and the order within the year of the adoption. Resolution 2020-01 would be the first possible resolution in the year 2020.
- Resolution 2025-01 – adopted 01/07/2025. Sets out organization for 2025.
- Resolution 2025-02 – to be adopted 02/04/2025. Approves destruction of old Miscellaneous Receipts.
- Resolution 2024-01 – adopted 01/04/24. Sets out organization of the commission for 2024.
- Resolution 2024-02
- Resolution 2024-03 – adopted xx/xx/xx. Appoints Arlen Gortmaker as Wildland Fire Liaison.
- Resolution 2024-04 – adopted 02/06/24. Apportioned secondary road taxes to newly formed townships.
- Resolution 2024-05 – adopted 02/06/24. Statement of Support regarding planning, zoning and local control.
- Resolution 2024-06 – adopted 02/06/24. Imposed spring weight restrictions before March 1st.
- Resolution 2024-07 – adopted 02/06/24. Opposition to limit local control related to planning & zoning.
- Resolution 2024-08 – adopted 03/05/24. Set compensation for post-election audit staff.
- Resolution 2024-09 – adopted 03/05/24. Appoints Ulteig Operations, LLC to conduct annual bridge inspections.
- Resolution 2024-10 – adopted 04/02/24. Adopts an $0.80 per thousand dollars “Road and Bridge Levy”.
- Resolution 2024-11 – adopted 05/07/24. Provides the auditor instructions for setting levies for commission.
- Resolution 2024-12 – Abandoned.
- Resolution 2024-13 – adopted 07/02/24. Amends the approval list for mid-month / pre-paid claims.
- Resolution 2024-14 – adopted 06/24/24. Declares a disaster & emergency due to flooding.
- Resolution 2024-15 – adopted 10/01/24. Sets the speed limit on North Commercial Avenue (Saint Lawrence).
- Resolution 2024-16 – adopted 10/01/24. Memorializes the Destruction of 2022 Election Materials.
- Resolution 2024-17 – adopted 09/25/24. Adopts the Annual Budget for 2025.
- Resolution 2023-01 adopted 01/03/2023. Designates signatories on financial documents.
- Resolution 2023-02 adopted 01/03/2023. Sets out the organization for 2023.
- Resolution 2023-03 failed adoption on 01/03/2023. Funding for Industrial Development.
- Resolution 2023-04 not used.
- Resolution 2023-05 adopted 02/21/2023. Authorizes destruction of aged cash receipts for sheriff & registrar.
- Resolution 2023-06 adopted 02/21/2023. Assigned engineering firm for bridge inspections.
- Resolution 2023-07 adopted 03/07/2023. Support of the Family Crisis Center in Redfield.
- Resolution 2023-08 adopted 04/11/2023. Declares an opt out of the tax limitations for Secondary Roads
- Resolution 2023-09 adopted 05/02/2023. Amends Resolution 2023-02 related to indigent mortuary services.
- Resolution 2023-10 adopted 05/08/2023. Declares a disaster from spring flooding.
- Resolution 2023-11 presented 08/01/2023. Request for Capital Accumulation Fund – withdrawn by sponsor.
- Resolution 2023-12 adopted 10/03/2023. Appoints Emergency Manager as Resilient Communities administrator.
- Resolution 2023-13 adopted 08/01/2023. Establishes a temporary speed limit on 205th Street (Sweetland Haul Road)
- Resolution 2023-14 adopted 07/06/2023. Opt Out for County Secondary Road System
- Resolution 2023-15 adopted 08/01/2023. Amends the 5-year transportation plan.
- Resolution 2023-16 adopted 08/01/2023. Authorizes budget modifications.
- Resolution 2023-17 adopted 08/15/2023. Establishes a temporary speed limit on 203rd Street (west of 374th Avenue)
- Resolution 2023-18 adopted 08/15/2023. Authorizes application for the Bridge Improvement Grant
- Resolution 2023-19 adopted 09/20/2023. Budget Resolution for FY 2024.
- Resolution 2023-20 adopted 09/05/2023. Authorizes use of credit or purchasing cards, and lines of credit.
- Resolution 2023-21 adopted 09/05/2023. Adopts the Sully County bid for gravel from H Bar Lazy H, LLC
- Resolution 2023-22 adopted 10/03/2023. Support of the Ben Barnes Memorial Bridge on US HWY 14
- Resolution 2022-01 adopted 01/04/2022. Establishes Commission Districts (post census)
- Resolution 2022-02 adopted 01/04/2022. Sets out the organization for 2022
- Resolution 2022-03 adopted 01/04/2022. Authorizes the destruction of vouchers from 2017 and older.
- Resolution 2022-04 adopted 02/01/2022. Declares support for the Family Crisis Center in Redfield
- Resolution 2022-05 adopted 02/01/2022. Appraisal of Surplus Property under $500
- Resolution 2022-06 adopted 02/01/2022. Appoints Arlen Gortmaker (E.M.) to be designee for Wildland Fire
- Resolution 2022-07 adopted 02/01/2022. Amends & Corrects Annual Budget Resolution for 2022
- Resolution 2022-08 adopted 02/01/2022. Establishes Election Precincts and Polling Places
- Resolution 2022-09 adopted 03/01/2022. Enters SD-DOT Bridge Inspection, appoints Ulteig Engineers.
- Resolution 2022-10
- Resolution 2022-11 adopted 03/01/2022. Adopts the Beadle County bid from True North Steel of Huron.
- Resolution 2022-12 adopted 04/05/2022. Adopts a fee schedule for GIS data via the Assessor’s Office.
- Resolution 2022-13 adopted 04/05/2022. Authorizes the destruction of payroll records (2017 and older)
- Resolution 2022-14 adopted 04/05/2022. Deletes Bridge Structure 30-007-150 from National Bridge Inventory
- Resolution 2022-15 adopted 04/05/2022. Declares a moratorium on construction of pipelines.
- Resolution 2022-16 adopted 06/09/2022. Authorizes destruction of Township Reports greater than 3 years old.
- Resolution 2022-17 adopted 06/09/2022. Authorizes destruction of Bid Proposals greater than 4 years old.
- Resolution 2022-18 adopted 06/09/2022. Authorizes destruction of expenditure budget reports greater than 4 years old.
- Resolution 2022-19 adopted 06/09/2022. Authorizes destruction of Hospitalization Reports greater than one year old.
- Resolution 2022-20 adopted 06/09/2022. Authorizes destruction of Oaths of Office greater than three years old.
- Resolution 2022-21 adopted 08/02/2022. Deletes Bridge Structure 30-204-289 from the National Bridge Inventory.
- Resolution 2022-22 adopted 07/19/2022. Authorizes Submission of Bridge project applications
- Resolution 2022-23 adopted 07/19/2022. Authorizes amending the county’s Five Year Plan
- Resolution 2022-24 adopted 07/19/2022. Authorizes submissions of Applications for BID Grant or Local Federal
- Resolution 2022-25 adopted 08/02/2022. Deletes Bridge Structure 30-007-150 from the National Bridge Inventory.
- Resolution 2022-26 adopted 08/02/2022. Expands the Discretionary Formula to additional projects.
- Resolution 2022-27 adopted 08/02/2022. Authorizes submission of SD-DOT applications for Bridge Improvements.
- Resolution 2022-28 adopted 09/26/2022. Sets the 2023 annual budget and levies.
- Resolution 2022-29 adopted 10/04/2022. Sets the per diem rate for election workers.
- Resolution 2022-30 adopted 11/01/2022. Sets the per diem rate for meals and mileage for county travel.
- Resolution 2022-31 adopted 12/06/2022. Amends Resolution 2022-28 to show levies to the 3rd decimal.
- Resolution 2021.01 adopted 01/05/2021 Sets out the organization for the year 2021
- Resolution 2021-02 adopted 02/02/2021 designating the contact person for South Dakota Wildland Fire
- Resolution 2021-03 adopted 02/02/2021 for wheel tax revenue assignment (unsigned version)
- Resolution 2021-04 adopted 03/02/21 supplements Road & Bridge and Veteran Services budgets (unsigned version)
- Resolution 2021-05 adopted 02/02/2021 designating the Family Crisis Center, Inc. as provider for victim services.
- Resolution 2021-06 presented 04/06/2021 Req Hand Co to be 2nd Amendment Sact County (failed for lack of second).
- Resolution 2021.07 adopted 04/06/2021 to replace bridge 30-000-392
- Resolution 2021.08 adopted 04/06/2021 to recognize and approve implementation of the Hazard Mitigation Plan
- Resolution 2021.09 adopted 04/06/2021 to replace bridge 30-170-185
- Resolution 2021.10 adopted 04/06/2021 to replace bridge 30-194-250
- Resolution 2021.11 adopted 04/06/2021 to replace bridge 30-213-130
- Resolution 2021.12 adopted 04/06/2021 to replace bridge 30-220-166
- Resolution 2021.13 adopted 04/06/2021 to replace bridge 30-220-256
- Resolution 2021.14 adopted 04/06/2021 to replace bridge 30-240-151
- Resolution 2021.15 adopted 04/06/2021 to replace bridge 30-290-144
- Resolution 2021.16 adopted 04/06/2021 to replace bridge 30-257-400
- Resolution 2021.17 adopted 04/06/2021 to replace bridge 30-
- Resolution 2021.18 Reserved in Draft Form assigned payment of Ratio, LLC reinvestment funds.
- Resolution 2021.19 adopted 04/06/2021 to appoint Ulteig Engineers, Inc to perform bridge inspections.
- Resolution 2021.20 adopted 06/01/2021 to supplement the Rubble Site budget to buy 10 acres of land & pay off dozer.
- Resolution 2021.21 adopted 07/06/2021 Sets fees for the Rubble Site
- Resolution 2021.22 adopted 07/06/2021 Assigned budgets to auditor for administration.
- Resolution 2021.23 adopted 08/03/2021. Authorizes Off Sale Liquor License
- Resolution 2021-24 adopted 09/15/2021. 2022 Annual Budget Resolution
- Resolution 2021-25 – Reserved
- Resolution 2021-26 adopted 12/07/2021. Assigns Trail King trailers to the debt service schedule.
- Resolution 2020-01 adopted 2/4/2020 to show support for the Family Crisis Center of Redfield, serving Hand County.
- Resolution 2020-02 adopted 3/3/2020 to delete bridge 30-257-40 from the SD-DOT and National Bridge Inventory.
- Resolution 2020-03 adopted 3/3/2020 to delete bridge 30-220-19 from the SD-DOT and National Bridge Inventory.
- Resolution 2020-04 adopted 5/5/2020 to Authorize WEB Water Development Association, Inc. authority to work.
Under Construction / Check back soon.
- Resolution 2000-02 enacting a countywide burn ban (later replaced by ordinance)