July 27, 2024




The information found here is valid for the 2024 Primary and General Elections.


  • South Dakota Secretary of State POST-ELECTION AUDIT GUIDE
    • Read this guide to full understand the process and then visit the Post-Election home page for additional information.  Scroll down a couple inches to see the details.  That page is found here.
      • Generally:

        12-17B-18. Post-election audit–Auditing board–Members–Promulgation of rules.

        Within fifteen days following the completion of the state canvassing of a primary or general election, the auditor of each county shall conduct a post-election audit of the ballots cast in the election following the procedures listed in this section and §§ 12-17B-19 to 12-17B-25, inclusive. The county auditor shall appoint a county auditing board of sufficient size to promptly complete the audit.

        The members of the county auditing board may not all be members of the same political party. A member of the county auditing board must be a registered voter in the county in which the audit takes place. An individual may not serve on the county auditing board if the individual is a candidate for the office that is on the ballot being audited.

        The State Board of Elections shall promulgate rules, pursuant to chapter 1-26, prescribing the oath that each member of a county auditing board must take prior to discharging any duties.

        Source: SL 2023, ch 50, § 1.

PRIMARY ELECTION DATE is Tuesday June 4, 2024

  • YouTube link to watch the tabulation / resolution board process which starts at 7:00 P.M. on election night.
  • Important Dates preceding the PRIMARY ELECTION
    • April 30, 2024 – Last day for independent candidates to file nomination petitions.
    • May 20, 2024 – Deadline for voter registration for the June 4, 2024, primary.
    • June 3, 2024 – Last day to request an absentee ballot and have it mailed on this date. (prior to 5 P.M.)
      • Ballot must be received by 3:00 P.M. on election day.
    • June 4, 2024 – Election Day.  7:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M.
      • Last day for an authorized messenger to obtain and return a ballot for another who qualifies.
    • Precincts 2 & 3 which are in the City of Miller
      • Light Blue area is part of Precinct / Commissioner District 4
      • Light Green is all of Precinct / Commissioner District 2
      • Light Yellow is all of Precinct / Commissioner District 3
    • Precincts 1, 4 & 5 which are blocked off by township.
      • Light Blue area is part of Precinct / Commissioner District 4 (includes a portion of Miller & Saint Lawrence)
      • Pink is all of Precinct / Commissioner District 5 (includes the communities of Ree Heights & Polo)
      • Peach is all of Precinct / Commissioner District 1 (includes a portion of Wessington & most of Saint Lawrence)

GENERAL ELECTION DATE is Tuesday November 5, 2024

  • Important Dates preceding the GENERAL ELECTION
    • These dates will be added after the primary election is held.



  • A dedicated page for legal notices can be found by clicking HERE.