Doug DeBoer – Auditor
Carolyn Forman – Deputy Auditor
Nicole Gortmaker – Deputy Auditor
415 West 1st Avenue, Suite 202
Miller, SD 57362
(605) 853-2182
Sorry, No Faxes Anymore.
Welcome to the Hand County Auditor’s webpage. I have recently changed the design of the webpage to help find what you are looking for faster and hopefully easier. The following links will take you to the various pages for the duties which are currently under the authority of the auditor.
Jump to the Commission page to see agendas and minutes.
Jump to the Voter & Election Page
Jump to the Hand County Mutual Aid Radio System Page (HC-MARS)
Jump to the Public Assistance Page
Jump to the Hand County Township Page
Jump to the Employment Page
2022 Adopted Expenditure Budget. Details each department within each fund and their planned expenditures.
2022 Adopted Revenue Budget. Details the hopeful revenues of the county for the coming year.
2021-October: Balance Sheet by Fund
Documents used in conjunctions with the September 24, 2019 Budget Adoption Meeting. (posted 09-28-19 @ 7:25p)
Summary of All County Expenditure Budgets for 2020 as approved.
Detailed Reports for General Fund Expenditure Budgets for 2020 as approved.
Detailed Reports for Road & Bridge Expenditure Budgets for 2020 as approved.
Detailed Reports for Special Fund Expenditure Budgets for 2020 as approved.
Growth Totals by Taxing District (instrument which provides adjusted values and indicates percentage of growth.
Includes: Towns, Townships, School Districts, Fire Districts (tax districts and non-taxing districts) and the TIF.
South Dakota Department of Legislative Audit Information Government Purchasing
South Dakota Purchasing Guidelines and Bidding aka SD-Bid Book
2022 South Dakota Sales Tax Exemption Certificate
IRS Form W-9 for Vendors to report their company information
Menards Tax Exempt Certificate
The South Dakota Secretary of State has statutory authority over the notarial services in the State of South Dakota. The Secretary of State also maintains an online database to help people find a notary by searching by place without knowing the name. That database can be found by clicking here.
The county auditor, by virtue of the position can also perform some notarial functions as defined in SDCL 18-3-1 and Acknowledgements as defined in SDCL 18-4-2. The auditor’s seal does not contain the word NOTARY so if your document requires a duly commissioned Notary, you may want to double check before having it done here.
There is no fee charged in the auditor’s office for notarial services.
- 2019 – HC Asset Management Class Codes (Class codes when assets are purchased)
- VOUCHER for payment of debt incurred by the county. In MS-Word
- 2019 Agtegra (Fuel Exemption Certificate) (Departments purchasing gasoline, diesel or kerosene from Agtegra may need this)
Area School Districts:
- Sunshine Bible Academy Calendar of Events: Provided by Sunshine Bible Academy
- Miller School District Calendar of Events: Provided by the Miller School District
- Wolsey-Wessington School District Calendar of Events: Provided by the Wolsey-Wessington Schools
- Hitchcock-Tulare School District Calendar of Events: Provided by the Hitchcock-Tulare School
- Redfield School District Calendar of Events: Provided by the Redfield School District
- Faulkton School District Calendar of Events: Provided by
- Highmore-Harrold School District Calendar of Events: Provided by Highmore-Harrold Schools
Area Counties:
- Visit the South Dakota Association of County Officials website for a map of counties and links to their websites.
Area Municipalities:
- Visit the South Dakota Municipal League website for access to nearly all communities in South Dakota
2021 Property Tax Year (Posted December 22, 2020)
- FY2021 PT-73 Outlining School District Requests and the resulting levies to achieve those requests.
- FY2021 PT-73 Outlining Towns & Township Requests and the resulting levies to achieve those requests.
- FY2021 PT-75 Outlining the County, Secondary Roads, Fire District and Tax Incremental District Requests and the resulting levies to achieve those requests.
- FY2021 PT-74 Outlining the Total Taxes Levied by Geographic District (as related to school districts)
2020 Property Tax Year
- 2020 Application for Abatement of Property Taxes (Hand County Specific)
- 2020 Summary of Taxes Requested and Percentages (Internal Document)
- 2020 School District “Requests, Valuations and Tax Rates” (PT-73)
- 2020 Towns and Townships “Requests, Valuations and Tax Rates” (PT-73)
- 2020 Valuations for Towns and Townships in Hand County (PT74)
- 2020 Tax Levies for the county, secondary roads (unorganized townships), Fire Districts, Non-Tax Levy Response Areas and Miller Terminal (TIF) (PT75)
South Dakota Department of Revenue information on Property Taxes
The Auditor is the county business manager. The Auditor is responsible for commissioners proceedings, agendas and records, accounting records, revenue and expense reports, voter registration, and elections.
Businesses located outside of city limits apply for beer and liquor licenses with the Auditor. The Auditor also figures real estate and mobile home taxes, and handles county bid lettings. In many cases, the Auditor also manages medical indigent claims.
From the Department of Revenue’s Website:
County Auditors – The auditor is the watchdog of the county for property taxes. The auditor receives all tax requests from the various governing boards that can tax your property. They also ensure these entities can legally tax your property, and also ensures the amount they are levying is in compliance with all laws of the state. The auditor is the keeper of county records and acts as a bookkeeper for county business. Records may include documents, books, or minutes from county commission meetings. The auditor is responsible for scheduling county commission meetings, preparing the agenda, following up on commission decisions through letters and memoranda, and preparing the county budget.