March 23, 2025



415 West 1st Avenue, Suite 102

Miller, South Dakota 57362-1342
Business Hours: 605-853-2408*
Emergency = 9-1-1


Shane Croeni – Sheriff / Email: [email protected]

Chelsea Price – Deputy / Office Manager / Email: [email protected]

Edwin Alpizar – Deputy Sheriff / Email:  [email protected]

Brandon Fisher – Deputy Sheriff / K9 Handler / Email:  [email protected]

                                         Colleen Peterman – Part time Dispatcher

Unscheduled – part-time / substitute deputies:

Jim Keeter, Tala Sandness, & Jon Dunlap

Hot Items:

I am Sheriff Shane R Croeni.  I started as a deputy in Spink County in 2014. I started under Sheriff Doug DeBoer in 2018 and was appointed to the position of Sheriff in January 2019 at the time of Sheriff DeBoer’s retirement. I am married to an amazing mother and nurse, Ashley (Hofer); I have two amazing daughters and three awesome stepsons. Allysen is in her second year at SDSU for nursing. Ruthie is a sophomore at Redfield Highschool. Logan is in the 5th grade, Carson 3rd, and Keegan is in kindergarten.  I am enjoying serving the citizens of Hand County and have been treated with amazing support this past 3 years. I hope to continue serving and molding into this community.

The HCSO is on Facebook and Twitter.  Search for us and join.

Main street Miller Skycam (

Hand County Courthouse Skycam (

Provided by On Sight 24/7

SD-DOT Road Conditions / Construction

SD-DOT Road Camera Page


Visit our Facebook page for the latest releases.

scam alert



SOUTH DAKOTA SHERIFF’s ASSOCIATION memberships:  This is a legitimate fund raising enterprise from our association to help offset the expense of statewide meetings, scholarships, training sessions and conference presenters.  Please accept this invitation to join as if it were sent directly from us, you local hometown sheriff’s office.  Invitations are sent out in late February through March.  It is completely voluntary and if you choose to not participate, then simply throw it away.  We do not make fund raising phone calls or employ “high pressure” membership drive / fund raising activities.  To learn more about our Honorary memberships, please click here to go to our association website.
The South Dakota Sheriff’s Association has more information available on our Facebook page found by clicking here.  Stop back often! 
Downloadable files or links:
Hand County Sheriffs (from the first to last sheriff, with years of service)
Redlight Runners
Miller / Hand County Weather
Listen Live!


The sheriff`s office is open for business during normal courthouse hours. Courthouse hours are 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. (Monday through Friday), excluding holidays.  During the non-business hours “on-call” staff members respond to emergencies as needed.  An answering machine on the office line will direct callers to the correct “on-call” person.  People with immediate needs should always call 9-1-1.



I would like to welcome you to the home of the Hand County Sheriff’s Office.  I will make every effort to provide you with useful information about how your sheriff operates your sheriff’s office.  I have and plan to continue to be responsive to the community’s needs and provide you with proactive law enforcement and public safety services which are responsive to community needs.

I welcome your comments so please feel free to send me an email.

Thanks for visiting!

Sheriff Shane R Croeni

Frequently Asked Questions…

Concealed Weapons Applications:

Applications for concealed weapons (handguns permits) are available only during office / courthouse hours.  An applicant must personally appear in the sheriff’s office and provide valid identification and proof of residency prior to making application.

Basic permits are currently $10, Enhanced Permits are $100 and the “Gold Card” permit is $70.  South Dakota permits are honored in several other states.  For a full picture of how the permits are administered, please follow this link for more information.

The process of making an application for a concealed weapons permit takes between 10 and 20 minutes so please plan accordingly.

Accident Records:

The sheriff’s office uses online, standardized reports for motor vehicle accidents / collisions.  The web based report system is hosted by the South Dakota Department of Public Safety, Office of Accident Records.  Accident records are available through their web portal,  Additionally, we also use CARFAX’s website for access.  The web address is   Reports are currently $4.00 plus 6.5% sales tax or $4.26.

Photographs are an additional expense and available only through the sheriff’s office.  We only have access to reports created by the sheriff’s office.  Reports completed by the Miller Police Department or South Dakota Highway Patrol are available through those agencies.

We do not save photographs from wild animal crashes.

All injury accidents and those with damage exceeding $1000 are transmitted to the South Dakota Department of Public Safety, those that are not submitted are kept in the sheriff’s office records.

Generally, accidents are processed in 3 days or less.  Accidents with injury generally take from a week to 2 weeks to process and fatal accidents are, with rare exception, investigated by the South Dakota Highway Patrol.

Accident records are considered public records, open to inspection upon request.

Calling 911 or the Office?

We advocate that anyone who needs immediate assistance call 9-1-1 immediately.  Please call from the location where the event occurs.  For example, if you hit a deer, call from where the accident occurs.  Do not return to our area and then call 9-1-1.

Hand County 9-1-1 calls are answered by the Huron Police Department.  The Huron Police Department 9-1-1 center is staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by trained and experienced 9-1-1 operators who have passed the State of South Dakota’s training program.The 9-1-1 operators have the equipment necessary to locate you as a caller whether you are at home on a traditional telephone or whether you are on your wireless / cellular telephone.  This is a great advantage in providing you service since the operator will know (in most cases) where the call is coming from, even if a word is not spoken.

Already in its 23rd year of service, 9-1-1 operations have aided in domestic violence situations, ill or injured parties, automobile accidents and fires.

Hand County maintains a radio system which allows the responders, whether firemen, ambulance staff, emergency management or law enforcement, immediate and reliable two-way communications.  All Hand County based agencies (and some in neighboring counties) have access to this “Mutual Aid” radio system and it allows us to communicate directly with each other and with the 9-1-1 operators in Huron.

It is this “instant” communications which allows responders to respond while the call takers / 9-1-1 operators dispatch the proper agencies and equipment.

We strongly encourage people to use 9-1-1 over traditional telephone calls.


Common reasons to call 9-1-1:

• Vehicle crashes (injury or non-injury)

• Fire involving any vehicle, building, utility service or public property.

• Fires which the caller believes are “unattended” or dangerous to the public

• Natural Disasters

• Gas leaks or other hazardous materials release

• Injured people

• Objects or animals on the roadway which are hazards to safety

• Crimes which are occurring

• Crimes which were just discovered

• Traffic violations which need immediate attention

• If someone is found dead in their home, car or out in the open

• If you see a tornado or funnel cloud

• If you see someone who needs to have their welfare checked (in real time)

Do not call 9-1-1 for the following:

• To speak to a specific officer or staff member

• To report a pet in your yard

• To check weather or road conditions (that number is 5-1-1)

• To get telephone directory assistance (that number is 4-1-1)

• To locate underground or overhead utilities (that number is 8-1-1)

• To report a crime that is days or weeks old (except death)

• To ask questions which are not immediately necessary?