March 26, 2025




State Programs:

Low Income Energy Assistance via the Department of Social Services

Energy Conservation through Weatherization via the Department of Social Services

Emergency Furnace Repairs via GROW-South Dakota

Weatherization Program via GROW-South Dakota

Department of Revenue Brochure on Property Tax Freeze for Qualified individuals.

Homeless Shelters and Family Crisis Centers

RAINN Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network / National Sexual Assault Hotline. Free. Confidential. 24/7 1-800-656-HOPE

Assistance from local agencies, GROWSD

Do you have needs that don’t quite rise to the need for a 911 call?  Try 2-1-1, the Helpline for South Dakota.

Visit the 2-1-1 Helpline website!

Please check it out!

Do you need assistance with a cellular phone?  Here is a link I discovered (through AARP) recently that offers cellular plans to those who qualify.

Cellular Phones for Seniors (and others who qualify)

Do you need assistance with medications?  Please look at this website to see help is available:

Do you need financial assistance paying your medical bills?

The Avera Health System has a financial assistance program located here:  Financial Assistance Forms (

The Sanford Health System has financial assistance programming located here: Sanford Health Financial Assistance Policy | Sanford Health

The “Affordable Care Act” can be found by clicking here: Aca Quotes | or Compare Health Insurance Plans Online |

Do you need help with energy assistance or weatherization?

Please visit the DSS website by clicking the image above or by going to:  Energy and Weatherization Assistance (