March 29, 2025


 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to South Dakota Codified Law 31-31-2, “The owner or occupant of any land abutting or adjoining upon township roads shall cut, remove, or destroy or cause to cut, removed, or destroyed, grass, weeds, trees, and brush growing on or in the right-of-way of such roads…”  Failure to comply is a petty offense.

NOTICE FURTHER GIVEN that SDCL 31-31-3 specifies that such work shall be completed between September 1 and October 1 of each year, “or between dates annually fixed by the [township] board of supervisors”.  Should the occupant or landowner fail to perform such work, SDCL 31-31-5, the board of township supervisors “…may employ a person or persons to immediately cut and remove the grass, weeds, trees, and brush…” and SDCL 31-31-6 grants authority to the township board of supervisors to recover the expense in that, “The amount shall be extended on the tax list…and shall become a tax on the land adjoining the highway”

Owners or occupants are encouraged to contact their township boards or if in within the unorganized territory of Hand County, the Hand County commission, for additional information.

Authority /s/ Doug DeBoer, County Auditor

Published in the Miller Press on 08/24/2024.

NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING will be published soon.  During the township workshop on the 26th of January, I obtained the location and times from nearly half of the townships but if you were not present and you had no representation at the workshop, contact the auditor’s office to make sure you get on the list.  If you miss this opportunity, you will need to publish your notice of annual meeting. (02/29/24)

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN OF ANNUAL TOWNSHIP MEETINGS The citizens of the Townships of Hand County, South Dakota who are qualified to vote at the general election are hereby given notice that the annual township meeting of said townships will be held on: Tuesday, March 5, 2024 as follows:

ALDEN: Rob Schlecther’s home @ 7p.  ALPHA at Gary Wagner’s Shop @ 7p.  BATES: Lee Allen Teveldal’s home @ 2p.  BURDETTE: Shirley Schultz’s home @ 1:30p.  CAMPBELL: Dave Pratt’s home @ 7p.  CARLTON: Jonathan Hurd’s home @ 2p.  CEDAR: Arlen Harvey’s home @ 7p.  COMO: Werdel’s Shop @ 6p.  FAIRVIEW: School @ 7p.  FLORENCE: Brueggeman’s shop @ 7p.  GILBERT: Max Conkey’s home @ 7:00p.  GLENDALE: Robert Tong’s home @ 7:30p.  GRAND: Dan Schilling’s home @ 7p.  GREENLEAF: Chuck Steptoe’s home @ 7p.  HILAND: Daniel Keck’s home @ 8p.  HOLDEN: Kelvin Grey’s home @ 7p.  HOWELL: Lee Naber’s home @ 7p.  HULBERT: Roy Mehling’s home @ 7p.  LINN: Bruce Hoffman’s home @ 7:30p.  LOGAN: Don Pugh’s home @ 1:30p.  MIDLAND: Dan Koeck’s home @ 7p.  MILLER: Courthouse @ 1p.  MONDAMIN: Terry Johnson’s home @ 7:30p.  OHIO: Jim Eschenbaum’s home @ 7p.  ONTARIO: Cory McKinstry’s garage @ 7p.  PARK: House on SE 1/4 28-116-68 @ 2p.  PEARL: Eric Fanning’s home @ 7:30p.   PLATO: Kevin Harr’s home @ 1:30p.  PLEASANT VALLEY: Doug Edwards’ home @ 7p. REE HEIGHTS: Eagle Pass Lodge @ 7p. RIVERSIDE: Melvin Gimbel’s home @ 7:30p.  ROCKDALE: Neil Stevens’ shop @ 7:30p.  ROSE HILL: Lori Boomsma’s home @ 7:30p.  SAINT LAWRENCE: Saint Lawrence Fire Hall @ 1p.  SPRING: Becky Martinmaas’s home @ 7p. SPRING HILL: Dennis Fawcett’s home @ 7p.  SPRING LAKE: Brian Winter’s home @ 7p.  WHEATON: Landon & Anita Bushong’s home @ 1p.  YORK: Ranch Café @ 1:30p.


The purpose of this meeting is to elect one Supervisor for a three-year term; one Clerk, one Treasurer, set levies and to do any business proper to be done at said meeting when convened.

Posted 02/21/2024


 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to South Dakota Codified Law 31-31-2, “The owner or occupant of any land abutting or adjoining upon township roads shall cut, remove, or destroy or cause to cut, removed, or destroyed, grass, weeds, trees, and brush growing on or in the right-of-way of such roads…”  Failure to comply is a petty offense.

NOTICE FURTHER GIVEN that SDCL 31-31-3 specifies that such work shall be completed between September 1 and October 1 of each year, “or between dates annually fixed by the [township] board of supervisors”.  Should the occupant or landowner fail to perform such work, SDCL 31-31-5, the board of township supervisors “…may employ a person or persons to immediately cut and remove the grass, weeds, trees, and brush…” and SDCL 31-31-6 grants authority to the township board of supervisors to recover the expense in that, “The amount shall be extended on the tax list…and shall become a tax on the land adjoining the highway”

Owners or occupants are encouraged to contact their township boards or if in within the unorganized territory of Hand County, the Hand County commission, for additional information.

Authority /s/ Doug DeBoer, County Auditor

Posted: 08/15/2023 (Published in the Miller Press on 08/19/23 & 08/26/23)